StrangeBee is delighted to announce the immediate availability of TheHive and Cortex on the AWS…

It is now easier than ever to deploy and operate both products in the AWS cloud

StrangeBee is delighted to announce the immediate availability of TheHive and Cortex on the AWS Marketplace

It is now easier than ever to deploy and operate both products in the AWS cloud

Back in April, we introduced you to StrangeBee’s mission statement of bringing additional value to TheHive and Cortex while supporting the development of both products. In this spirit, we have been cooking two Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) that are now ready to serve.

We often get professional services requests related to the initial deployment of TheHive or Cortex. With these new AMIs, we want to ease the burden of setting up new instances and maintaining them in the long run. Busy sysadmins or security teams with no sysadmin will most certainly drop a tear of joy when they deploy or update their instance in less than five minutes! Our user guides fully detail the recommended reference architecture and include sample Terraform code to automatically deploy both products in your existing VPC. If you do not yet operate an AWS VPC, we also provide sample Terraform code to create a production-ready VPC.

Very much like a container, you get each application running on a secured, up-to-date and patched operating system with all software requirements already installed. Updating is as simple as launching a new instance from a fresh AMI. If your instances have little or no public Internet access, you can count on us to provide patched images on a regular basis.

Unlike a container, you get the full power and operational features of running on the EC2 instance type of your choice! Backing up your data is as easy as creating an EBS volume snapshot. Upgrade or downgrade your instance type at will in a minute.

You can try both AMIs for free* for 5 days to see for yourself.

*AWS compute charges still apply, of course!

We are looking forward to your feedback on these shiny new AMIs. Stay tuned for updates and upcoming operations tutorials! If you have questions about the products, drop us an email

Want to try them?

Both products are already available:

TheHive on the AWS Marketplace

Cortex on the AWS Marketplace

Want to know more?

Visit our website, send us an email and follow us on Twitter!